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Price: $10.00

Item Description

Homeschool free play is now availble for the Indinapolis homeschool community. Come join us on the blue floor for 50 minutes of free play. We will begin the session at 10:30am with our KidStrong Affirmation and introduction then open it up to free play on the floor. We welcome kids ages walking to 11 years old. If a child is 3 and younger, we require a parent to be on blue floor with them. The last 5 minutes on the blue floor we will collect the group, give out awards and end with the KidStrong affirmation.
Check in will begin at 10:15am so please arrive early to sign waivers and complete payment. Class will end at 11:20am.

Kids will need to wear appripriate comfotable clothing they can move around in. They will be barefoot on the floor. Be sure to bring a water bottle and your credit or debit card for payment (we do not accept cash).

We are so excited to welcome the homeschool community to KidStrong. If you have any questions, please call us at 812-366-2135 or email us at [email protected]